
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Growing Together- Share the Joy!

Indoor gardening is a wonderful way to enjoy organic fruits and vegetables year round, but what if you could actually share the joy with others? AeroGrow  are the makers of the AeroGarden indoor gardening kitchen appliance. This little wonder garden not only produces fresh organic, wonderful tasting fruits, herbs and vegetables, but can also grow beautiful flowers year round.

Petunias planted 8/14/11 this pic taken 8/22/11
Salad greens planted 6/7/11 this pic taken 8/18/11
You now have a wonderful opportunity to join a large and growing community of "urban" gardeners with this amazing little wonder garden. These gardens have an amazing 100% guarantee to grow a wide variety of vegetables, herbs and flowers. 

This garden is a perfect gift for any season and can be enjoyed year-round. So SHARE THE JOY! Our first experience was last Christmas as we received our first AeroGarden 3 as a gift. We have been hooked ever since. No GREEN THUMB needed for this little gem. It is as easy as 1,2,3.

1. Drop in the seed pods
2. Add water and the pre-packaged nutrients
3. Watch them grow

The AeroGarden has been featured on many nationally televised shows and news casts. Check out the videos found here at

What a wonderful way to enjoy all the benefits of your own fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables and flowers.  For additional information contact visit

Live, Learn and Grow Organically!

AeroGarden's Cascading Petunias - Beautiful!

Ok I have to admit that this is the first time I had planted petunias in the AeroGarden or have even been this close to petunias to truly enjoy them. I've purchased petunias and planted them outdoors a few times but after their season, they never came back. Maybe our 6 feline friends lying on them had something to do with that.

Today as I was tending to my AeroGardens I noticed hundreds of tiny poppy seed looking things on and around my petunias. After reading posts from one of my many gardening blogs I realized that this is a great opportunity to bring my inter-scientist out to play. I have gathered the seeds and will re-plant some in the AeroGarden and some in my outdoor planters in the spring. I'll let you know how it goes.