
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Indoor Gardening Is Not Just For Houseplants - By Tamara Gerber of

Just because the temperatures have dropped for the wintertime and deciduous trees, roses, shrubs and plants are dormant, does not mean you cannot enjoy your favorite plants, fruits and vegetables. As a recent article in a local newspaper points out, there is a renewed interest for indoor houseplants in the winter. It points out the benefits of having house plants such as the calming effect as they add to the décor of your home. Not only do they create a warm beautiful ambiance to your decor, but they also purify the air in your home.

Many people use air purifiers in their homes to eliminate allergens in the air however, growing plants inside the home can eliminate the need for using energy for the air purifiers because indoor plants, like their outdoor counterparts change the carbon dioxide into oxygen and remove the many of the toxins in the air we breathe. So reminiscent of the benefits for the common houseplants; fruits, herbs and vegetables provide the same air purifying benefits with the added bonus of providing delectable edibles year-round.

In my previous article, "Gardening Options: Hydroponics vs. Soil" I talked about the specific benefits of hydroponic gardening as it relates to fruits, herbs and vegetables; however, hydroponics can be used for any plant. Some of the most common houseplants such as spider plants, wandering Jew, philodendrons, ivy, do extremely well using hydroponics. Simply snip off a few stems of the well established plants and put them in water to watch them grow. Yes, this is the most basic form of hydroponics.

By using soilless (hydroponic) indoor gardening there is the added benefit of eliminating the messy soil, soil borne molds, mildews and insects. So why not enjoy the edible beauty of indoor strawberry plants, cilantro, parsley, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, or anything you choose to enjoy? Using hydroponics the possibilities are endless. Imagine the conversations as guests arrive at your home to find a magnificent tomato vine or gorgeous fruit bearing eggplant in your entry producing fruit in the middle of winter.

Hydroponic gardening is only limited by your imagination and can be incorporated very easily in any decor. As another author Ryan English writes in his article "Garden Decorations", "Gardens can be more fun to work with if we add a little creative idea in it. One of the most interesting habits for gardening is accessorizing." Ryan gives examples of accessorizing the gardens using fountains, bird baths, lighting and statues. These same pieces can be used to enhance and incorporate your indoor hydroponic gardens at no additional cost.

Hydroponic gardening is a thing of beauty with benefits and only limited by your imagination!

To learn more about organic, hydroponic gardening please follow us on our blogs by visiting our website at: Here you can follow our blogs as well have access to a wide variety of organic hydroponic gardening supplies, tools and educational resources.

Live, Learn and Grow Organically!

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