
Monday, January 3, 2011

Aeroponics put to the test with a 3 site AeroGarden

Dill with a toothpick to show size scale

I was fortunate to receive an Aerogarden for Christmas this year and planted my first herbs. I planted my herbs last Monday 12/27/10 at 2:30 p.m.  We are now growing dill, basil, and thyme. The Aerogarden came in 4 pieces and took less than 2 minutes to put together and start the growing process. Each individual pod comes labeled with what it is and how long it takes to sprout. Crazy but its like the plants have their own internal clocks because it took exactly 7 days to the hour on the dill. When I checked it a few hours ago it had not even shown signs of sprouting. Now 2 hours later all three are looking great. I was able to see the tiny green leaves on the basil after 3 days. Pretty cool right?

I have another blog where I talk about and show pictures of another garden I am growing hydroponically using a DWC (deep water culture) unit. Check it out and let me know what you think.


  1. This is really something I have been very curious about. I've seen the commercials where they claim it is faster than soil but I've had my doubts. Will you be posting updates to your garden?

  2. I think I know the exact video you saw on the commercial. I have it posted on our website at I'll try to post it here for everyone to see. It's really amazing.
