So What Is Up With Our Zucchini?
Figure 1 Zucchini in bloom 2/7/11
Figure 2 Zucchini in trouble? 2/20/11
We have been working hard on trying to keep our
zucchini happy and from the first pic (figure 1) you can see that it is well on its way to producing fruit. Yesterday I went out to check on the garden and found the zucchini seems to look great on the surface, at least until I started moving things around to attempt to put a trellis in place. Then I noticed the stem seems to be hollowing out. So where do I turn but to the gardening forums on the internet. This is what I found. I keep the leaves trimmed so the zucchini so it does not over take the entire garden. There are still several blossoms in the works. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. I may have given the zucchini too much love in the
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Stem of container squash split and HELLO!! clip this post email this post what is this?
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Posted by agngg 9 (My Page) on
Tue, May 19, 09 at 13:33
Hi!! My name is Grace and I just found this forum a couple weeks ago. I've been lurking and finding some wonderful information! I'm very new to gardening and starting with lots of containers. I've been doing a ton of research and learning a whole lot! So I just wanted to introduce myself.
Now I need help!! lol
I planted 2 Grey Squash plants in these pretty small containers. I started the seeds in little mini plastic pots and transpanted each one into a trough-like container that is 14in long, 7 inches wide and 6 inches deep. I know the size too small but I just wanted to see what would happen.
They did well and grew large, lots of leaves and now lots of buds. I planted them April 2nd, the seed package said Harvest in 45 days but I got male and female flower buds in about that time.
Yesterday I went out to water them and the stem of the bigger plant has split open and spread out. I immediately thought vine borers, since I had been reading on them. I was leaving so I didn't have time to investigate and it was too dark when I got home. So this morning, 3 of the flowers completely opened. There are about 4 little squash/female flowers and several more male flowers. It doesn't look hollowed out, but like it split and stretched out, if that makes sense. I can't find my camera to take a pic right now but at least wanted to put the question out there. I'll post one as soon as I can find it.
It looks like the smaller plant is about to do the same thing...should I cut that stem open to check for bugs?
Also, some of the lower leaves have yellowed and I've cut them off. All of the upper leaves looked fine.
I don't have any wilting either. The only time it has wilt was when the temps reached 92 this weekend but water perked them right up.
Another question I have is...can a stem split from the stress of being in too small of a container? Since it just flowered, should I leave it alone or transplant it now?
Thanks for any advice you can offer, I will upload pics asap!!
RE: Stem of container squash split and HELLO!! clip this post email this post what is this?
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• Posted by justaguy2 5 (My Page) on
Tue, May 19, 09 at 14:41
It's not all that uncommon for the stems of curcurbits (squash, pumpkins etc.) to split.
I really am not sure all the causes for this. Some think it too fast of growth, too much water, too much fertilizer (which goes back to the too fast of growth thing), the weight of the vine putting pressure on the stem etc.
What I do know is that cucurbits are remarkable in their ability to suffer this and go on to produce like normal. As long as the stem isn't completely severed in half it will likely live.
Do keep a look out for vine borers, but other than that your plants are likley going to do fine.