
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Growing Together- Share the Joy!

Indoor gardening is a wonderful way to enjoy organic fruits and vegetables year round, but what if you could actually share the joy with others? AeroGrow  are the makers of the AeroGarden indoor gardening kitchen appliance. This little wonder garden not only produces fresh organic, wonderful tasting fruits, herbs and vegetables, but can also grow beautiful flowers year round.

Petunias planted 8/14/11 this pic taken 8/22/11
Salad greens planted 6/7/11 this pic taken 8/18/11
You now have a wonderful opportunity to join a large and growing community of "urban" gardeners with this amazing little wonder garden. These gardens have an amazing 100% guarantee to grow a wide variety of vegetables, herbs and flowers. 

This garden is a perfect gift for any season and can be enjoyed year-round. So SHARE THE JOY! Our first experience was last Christmas as we received our first AeroGarden 3 as a gift. We have been hooked ever since. No GREEN THUMB needed for this little gem. It is as easy as 1,2,3.

1. Drop in the seed pods
2. Add water and the pre-packaged nutrients
3. Watch them grow

The AeroGarden has been featured on many nationally televised shows and news casts. Check out the videos found here at

What a wonderful way to enjoy all the benefits of your own fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables and flowers.  For additional information contact visit

Live, Learn and Grow Organically!

AeroGarden's Cascading Petunias - Beautiful!

Ok I have to admit that this is the first time I had planted petunias in the AeroGarden or have even been this close to petunias to truly enjoy them. I've purchased petunias and planted them outdoors a few times but after their season, they never came back. Maybe our 6 feline friends lying on them had something to do with that.

Today as I was tending to my AeroGardens I noticed hundreds of tiny poppy seed looking things on and around my petunias. After reading posts from one of my many gardening blogs I realized that this is a great opportunity to bring my inter-scientist out to play. I have gathered the seeds and will re-plant some in the AeroGarden and some in my outdoor planters in the spring. I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hydroponically Propagated Butterfly Plants and Hot Lips Salvia

These are pics of the many plants we have propagated using hydroponics. Both the butterfly plants and the hot lips salvia were started from a small 6 inch cutting in the winter of 2010. Look at them now! Too bad we can post the beautiful aroma of the butterfly plants.

Butterfly Plant started from 6" cutting
hydroponically in December of 2010
HotLips Salvia started hydroponically
from a 6" cutting in  winter of 2010

Organic, Hydroponic Gardening Blog for HydroVeggies: Growing Together- More Ways Than One

Organic, Hydroponic Gardening Blog for HydroVeggies: Growing Together- More Ways Than One: "Indoor gardening is a wonderful way to enjoy organic fruits and vegetables year round, but what if you could actually increase your income w..."

Growing Together- More Ways Than One

Indoor gardening is a wonderful way to enjoy organic fruits and vegetables year round, but what if you could actually increase your income while enjoying your garden? AeroGrow Worldwide are the makers of the AeroGarden indoor gardening kitchen appliance. This little wonder garden not only produces fresh organic, wonderful tasting fruits, herbs and vegetables, but can also increase your income.

You now have a wonderful new opportunity to be apart of this amazingly fast growing organization as a distributor as well as the proud owner of this amazing 100% guaranteed to grow garden. 

This is not a product you have to sell, you simply use it and it sells itself. The AeroGarden has been featured on many nationally televised shows and news casts. Check out the videos found here at

What a wonderful work from home opportunity to supplement your income while providing healthier fruits, herbs and vegetables for your family.  For additional information contact visit

Live, Learn and Grow Organically!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Our Poor Zucchini Has Been Through Too Much

Here we have our zucchini which was originally planted 10/26/10 and started off beautiful. It got so big that I had to prune off some leaves because it was taking over the entire deep water culture garden. I finally moved it to its own container had things have gone down hill since. We get blossoms that never produce fruit, blossoms that rot before opening and brown leaves that drop off. I have verified that it has the proper pH balance and the nutrients seem to be fine for the rest of the garden so time to post to the garden forums and see what's up.

I'll post the results when I find the answers to our suffering zucchini.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Organic, Hydroponic Gardening Blog for HydroVeggies: Cherry Tomatoes with a Twist!

Organic, Hydroponic Gardening Blog for HydroVeggies: Cherry Tomatoes with a Twist!: "3/14/11 minutes after transplant Some of the most common vegetables grown using hydroponics is tomatoes. So of course we are growing our ..."

Cherry Tomatoes with a Twist!

3/14/11 minutes after transplant
Some of the most common vegetables grown using hydroponics is tomatoes. So of course we are growing our tomatoes, but not without our share of drama. We’ve had our tomatoes growing for awhile and found that they were taking over our “garden world”.
3/18/11 Nutrient Overdose :-(
We decided it was time to transplant our tomatoes into their own container. After transplanting the tomatoes, we decided to create a trellis out of some twigs fromthe cherry orchard.
Soon after the drama of transplanting and putting up a trellis, we found that they immediately went into shock, or so I thought. It was actually a case of too much love. I gave my prize tomato a HUGE dose of nutrients which was meant for my 10 gallon DWC.
This means I super charged my tomatoes
with 10 times the amount of nutrients it should have had. Now it was time for emergency treatment. We gave the tomatoes a quick bath in distilled water, treated it with hormones to jump start the recovery process and put back into it’s container. Since I didn’t want to contaminate my tomatoes by using the same twigs, I replaced them with fresh twigs from the cherry orchards.

Guess what? We now have cherry trees growing with our tomatoes! That’s right the cherry tree twigs have bloomed and now leaves are growing. So we have cherries

3/26/11 Cherry leaves
growing with our tomatoes, giving a whole new twist to cherry tomatoes. Our tomatoes have a ways to go but I think they will recover.

3/26/11 Tomatoes and Cherries

Here's a Great Hydroponic Project for Kids

Hydroponics Made Easy
There are a number of different systems you can purchase to do hydroponics, but what if you just want to check it out with just one or two small things before you pay money for a kit? You can start your hydroponic garden with regular household items then transplant them to a more permanent destination. Let me show you what I mean.
As you go to the grocery store and buy food in plastic containers, many of them can be used to start your own hydroponic garden. In this example I am using the plastic container that was used for a bunt cake from the store bakery.

STEP 1 After enjoying the treat, clean the container using mild dish soap.

STEP 2 Punch a few holes into the bottom of the tray. (Kids need to have an adult assist with this step)

STEP 3 The top of what used to be our cake container now becomes the bottom and should now be filled with the water and nutrient solution. The water solution should be high enough to cover the last ¼ inch of the black tray once it is place on the top. Parents should assist with measuring the nutrient solution. You can start with any organic plant food.

STEP 4 Place the black tray with the holes on top of the bowl with the nutrient solution and add some medium to cover the bottom. The medium can be tiny pebbles which have been cleaned very well or you can purchase a small bag of hydroton (clay like pebbles commonly used in hydroponics) You can even used broken pieces of clay flower pots you may already have around the house. (Kids be sure to have your parents help break the clay flower pots). In this example I am using hydroton.

STEP 5 This picture shows a sample of a 1x1 GroDan rockwool plug most often used in hydroponics. Since this is about using items common to most households, use a few cotton balls to lay on top of the medium you used in step 4. The only reason why we need this is to keep the seeds from dropping down through the medium and going into the water and nutrient solution.

STEP 6 Place your seeds on the cotton and put a tiny piece of cotton over the seeds to keep them in place.

STEP 7 Lastly, put plastic wrap very loosely over the top of the tray to hold in the moisture and humidity until the plant begins to sprout.
The seeds I have planted here are basil so I would expect to see sprouts in about 7 – 14 days. Be sure to place your garden in a well lit window sill or under a florescent desk light for about 7 hours per day.

Remember this little garden is a temporary home. You should change the water and nutrient solution weekly and cover the clear, bowl with something to keep the light out because light in the water and nutrient solution will cause algae to grow. In my case, I found an empty ceramic pot to set my garden into. Once your plant gets to be about 3 -4 inches, you will want to put it into a more permanent hydroponic pot or transplant it into some nice organic soil. Enjoy!

Once you see how much fun it can be to grow your own vegetables you will want to purchase supplies to expand your garden. We are here to help at
Live, Learn and Grow, Organically!

Monday, February 21, 2011

So What Is Up With Our Zucchini?

So What Is Up With Our Zucchini?

Figure 1 Zucchini in bloom 2/7/11

Figure 2 Zucchini in trouble? 2/20/11
We have been working hard on trying to keep our zucchini happy and from the first pic (figure 1) you can see that it is well on its way to producing fruit. Yesterday I went out to check on the garden and found the zucchini seems to look great on the surface, at least until I started moving things around to attempt to put a trellis in place. Then I noticed the stem seems to be hollowing out. So where do I turn but to the gardening forums on the internet. This is what I found. I keep the leaves trimmed so the zucchini so it does not over take the entire garden. There are still several blossoms in the works. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. I may have given the zucchini too much love in the nutrients.
Return to the Container Gardening Forum | Post a Follow-Up

Stem of container squash split and HELLO!! clip this post email this post what is this?
see most clipped and recent clippings

Posted by agngg 9 (My Page) on
Tue, May 19, 09 at 13:33
Hi!! My name is Grace and I just found this forum a couple weeks ago. I've been lurking and finding some wonderful information! I'm very new to gardening and starting with lots of containers. I've been doing a ton of research and learning a whole lot! So I just wanted to introduce myself.
Now I need help!! lol
I planted 2 Grey Squash plants in these pretty small containers. I started the seeds in little mini plastic pots and transpanted each one into a trough-like container that is 14in long, 7 inches wide and 6 inches deep. I know the size too small but I just wanted to see what would happen.
They did well and grew large, lots of leaves and now lots of buds. I planted them April 2nd, the seed package said Harvest in 45 days but I got male and female flower buds in about that time.
Yesterday I went out to water them and the stem of the bigger plant has split open and spread out. I immediately thought vine borers, since I had been reading on them. I was leaving so I didn't have time to investigate and it was too dark when I got home. So this morning, 3 of the flowers completely opened. There are about 4 little squash/female flowers and several more male flowers. It doesn't look hollowed out, but like it split and stretched out, if that makes sense. I can't find my camera to take a pic right now but at least wanted to put the question out there. I'll post one as soon as I can find it.
It looks like the smaller plant is about to do the same thing...should I cut that stem open to check for bugs?
Also, some of the lower leaves have yellowed and I've cut them off. All of the upper leaves looked fine.
I don't have any wilting either. The only time it has wilt was when the temps reached 92 this weekend but water perked them right up.
Another question I have is...can a stem split from the stress of being in too small of a container? Since it just flowered, should I leave it alone or transplant it now?
Thanks for any advice you can offer, I will upload pics asap!!

RE: Stem of container squash split and HELLO!! clip this post email this post what is this?
see most clipped and recent clippings

• Posted by justaguy2 5 (My Page) on
Tue, May 19, 09 at 14:41
It's not all that uncommon for the stems of curcurbits (squash, pumpkins etc.) to split.
I really am not sure all the causes for this. Some think it too fast of growth, too much water, too much fertilizer (which goes back to the too fast of growth thing), the weight of the vine putting pressure on the stem etc.
What I do know is that cucurbits are remarkable in their ability to suffer this and go on to produce like normal. As long as the stem isn't completely severed in half it will likely live.
Do keep a look out for vine borers, but other than that your plants are likley going to do fine.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nantucket Trellis - Classified Ad

Nantucket Trellis - Classified Ad

Contemporary Planter and Bench Available at: - Classified Ad

Contemporary Planter and Bench Available at: - Classified Ad

biblical garden for kids - Classified Ad

biblical garden for kids - Classified Ad

Incredible Edibles Seed Kit (3 - Classified Ad

Incredible Edibles Seed Kit (3 - Classified Ad

Aeropoinc 10 Gal. DWC - Classified Ad

Aeropoinc 10 Gal. DWC - Classified Ad

Flowerhouse: Starter House - Classified Ad

Flowerhouse: Starter House - Classified Ad

Cherub Wall Fountain - Classified Ad

Cherub Wall Fountain - Classified Ad

4 site DWC hydroponic plant herb garden - Classified Ad

4 site DWC hydroponic plant herb garden - Classified Ad

Indoor Gardening Is Not Just For Houseplants - By Tamara Gerber of

Just because the temperatures have dropped for the wintertime and deciduous trees, roses, shrubs and plants are dormant, does not mean you cannot enjoy your favorite plants, fruits and vegetables. As a recent article in a local newspaper points out, there is a renewed interest for indoor houseplants in the winter. It points out the benefits of having house plants such as the calming effect as they add to the décor of your home. Not only do they create a warm beautiful ambiance to your decor, but they also purify the air in your home.

Many people use air purifiers in their homes to eliminate allergens in the air however, growing plants inside the home can eliminate the need for using energy for the air purifiers because indoor plants, like their outdoor counterparts change the carbon dioxide into oxygen and remove the many of the toxins in the air we breathe. So reminiscent of the benefits for the common houseplants; fruits, herbs and vegetables provide the same air purifying benefits with the added bonus of providing delectable edibles year-round.

In my previous article, "Gardening Options: Hydroponics vs. Soil" I talked about the specific benefits of hydroponic gardening as it relates to fruits, herbs and vegetables; however, hydroponics can be used for any plant. Some of the most common houseplants such as spider plants, wandering Jew, philodendrons, ivy, do extremely well using hydroponics. Simply snip off a few stems of the well established plants and put them in water to watch them grow. Yes, this is the most basic form of hydroponics.

By using soilless (hydroponic) indoor gardening there is the added benefit of eliminating the messy soil, soil borne molds, mildews and insects. So why not enjoy the edible beauty of indoor strawberry plants, cilantro, parsley, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, or anything you choose to enjoy? Using hydroponics the possibilities are endless. Imagine the conversations as guests arrive at your home to find a magnificent tomato vine or gorgeous fruit bearing eggplant in your entry producing fruit in the middle of winter.

Hydroponic gardening is only limited by your imagination and can be incorporated very easily in any decor. As another author Ryan English writes in his article "Garden Decorations", "Gardens can be more fun to work with if we add a little creative idea in it. One of the most interesting habits for gardening is accessorizing." Ryan gives examples of accessorizing the gardens using fountains, bird baths, lighting and statues. These same pieces can be used to enhance and incorporate your indoor hydroponic gardens at no additional cost.

Hydroponic gardening is a thing of beauty with benefits and only limited by your imagination!

To learn more about organic, hydroponic gardening please follow us on our blogs by visiting our website at: Here you can follow our blogs as well have access to a wide variety of organic hydroponic gardening supplies, tools and educational resources.

Live, Learn and Grow Organically!

Article Source:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chicken Sorrentino Fusilli by Buddy Valastro

As we enjoy our garden, I became very anxious to taste the fruits of my labor and began searching the cooking shows to find just the right recipe for the first harvest of basil. I found Buddy Valastro’s new show called Kitchen Boss. The dish he made yesterday looked so good I had to try it for myself, and I must say it was a hit! My husband gave it an 8 out of 10 on the yumalishious scale, and that says a lot. Below is this wonderful recipe which I highly recommend. It’s very easy to make and will be a big hit for that perfectly romantic dinner or with the entire family. Enjoy!

Chicken Sorrentino Fusilli
by Buddy Valastro
Browse the recipe Chicken Sorrentino Fusilli
VIDEO: See Buddy in action as he shares his family favorite Italian dishes on Kitchen Boss.
2 halves boneless, skinless chicken breast (approx 6-7 oz. each), trimmed
1 crushed clove garlic
1 small eggplant, 1 pound or less
2 thin slices prosciutto
1/2 cup breadcrumbs (see recipe)

2 large egg
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 pound fresh mozzarella, sliced
2 tablespoons grated parmesan
Extra virgin olive oil
2 cups marinara sauce (see recipe)

1/4 pound fusilli pasta, cooked al dente
Few leaves torn fresh basil
1. Preheat oven to 350°.
2. Sprinkle the chicken breast halves with salt, pepper, drizzle with olive oil and turn to coast with the crushed garlic. Let rest while you prepare the sauce and eggplant.
3. In a small saucepot, heat the tomato sauce and warm through.
4. Peel the eggplant and slice across the width into 1/4 inch rounds – you will only need four pieces for this recipe. Place the breadcrumbs and the flour each in two shallow plates. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat. Dip each piece of eggplant first into the flour, tapping off excess, then into the beaten egg, allowing excess to drip off, then lastly, coat in crumbs. Heat a large (12”) skillet over medium-high heat and add 1/4 cup oil. When oil is shimmering gently lay in the eggplant and fry until golden brown on each side. Place on a plate lined with a paper towel and sprinkle lightly with salt. Set aside while finishing the chicken.
5. Heat a cast iron grill pan (or other grilling device) over medium high heat. Grill the chicken breasts on each side until nicely marked but not cooked through. Set aside.
6. In a bowl, toss the fusilli with 1/2 of the marinara sauce – enough to coat well and sprinkle with a little grated parmesan. Place in the bottom of a small, lightly oiled baking dish. Place the chicken pieces side by side on top of the pasta. Top each piece of chicken with a slice of prosciutto, two pieces of eggplant and the sliced mozzarella. Bake until the cheese is melted and the chicken is cooked through – approx 10 minutes. You can brown the cheese with a quick turn under the broiler, if desired. Top with remaining sauce and fresh basil.
This recipe appears in: Italian

Valastro, Buddy. "Chicken Sorrentino Fusilli" 18 January 2011. 02 February 2011.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

HydroVeggies AeroGarden Week 4 Update

Posted here is our second YouTube video to give you an update of our AeroGarden planted on 12/27/2010.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Our AeroGarden on Week 2

This is the first YouTube video posted for HydroVeggies. This shows the progress of our aerogrow garden which was planted on December 27, 2010. After 1 week we saw the sprouts come up past the top of the pods. We will be posting additional videos to monitor the progress in weeks to come.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

First Aquaponics System at Vancouver Island University

Aquaponic Barrel system is demonstrated in detail in this video. As you can see, aquaponics eliminates the need for adding nutrients to the plants and even uses organic fish food.


In this video, Silvia Bernstein takes us into her greenhouse aquaponic system. She explains how both the plants and fish benefit from each other and how you get the benefits of both the produce from your vegetables and herbs as well as the fish you are raising. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Benefits of Gardening the Hydroponic Way - Gardening Resources []

The Benefits of Gardening the Hydroponic Way

Gardening has been considered to be one of the most therapeutic rewards for North Americans. Gardening stimulates all of the senses, giving great satisfaction and pleasure. Hydroponics is the growing of plants without the use of soil. A variety of hydroponic gardening techniques exist and just about any plant can be grown with hydroponics. Hydroponic gardening is considered to be quite easy and many teachers use this method of gardening with their students when working on science projects.

There are a variety of benefits associated with hydroponic gardening. When plants are grown using hydroponics, the roots do not need to search for required nutrients. The nutrient solution is provided directly to them, which results in plant growth, which is more abundant.
Incorporating hydroponics into an outdoor garden can help add interest and intrigue. The natural conditions available outdoors in the summer make it a perfect time to experiment with the various types of hydroponic cultivation. Annual flowers, fruit, herbs, and vegetables do exceptionally well with hydroponics.

With hydroponics, important growing factors such as light, temperature, and humidity can be controlled. Since there is no soil, there is less maintenance involved with hydroponics. There is no need for weeding and the worry of pests or soil borne diseases is drastically reduced.
Hydroponics is always a soil less culture, but not all soil fewer cultures are considered to be hydroponics. Many of these cultures do not use the nutrient solutions, which are required for hydroponics. There are two main types of hydroponics, which are solution culture and medium culture.
Solution culture uses a nutrient solution but does not use a solid growing medium for the roots. The medium culture has a solid growing medium for the roots such as gravel, sand or a pearlite culture. Hydroponic plants are grown in a number of ways, each supplying nutrient solution to the plants one way or another.

Hydroponics can be used to grow plants anywhere, even in your own backyard. Using hydroponics can grow anything from garden crops to flowers. Hydroponic gardening is considered to be a clean and highly effective method for growing plants. There is less mess and less maintenance. Hydroponic gardening helps to eliminate the need for weeding and helps to cut down on diseases and pests. This form of gardening is also easily adapted to indoor environments, which means it can be used throughout the year to grow a gardener's favorite plants. The greatest advantage to hydroponics is the overall outcome of the plants, which will be of better quality and are much healthier. Gardeners can give nature a helping hand while enjoying the therapeutic benefits of their garden. Gardeners will be able to watch the spectacular improvements that growing hydroponically can bring to their garden.

Hydroponics has always been an ecologically sound gardening choice. It uses much less water than conventional gardening and does not erode the soil or add toxins to the environment. Soluble nutrient formulas are re-circulated and used by the plants' roots, which helps eliminate environmental waste. Plants tend to be healthier in a hydroponic system than those grown in soil, which makes them more pest resistant. Biological control agents are used as preventative measures. Harmful herbicides are simply not required because there are no weeds in a hydroponic garden. As many gardeners today are choosing to grow organically, organic crop cultivation in hydroponics has become very popular. Organic gardening is the cultivation of plants without the use of synthetic chemicals or pesticides. Gardeners are willing to invest in the extras required by organic gardening because it ensures that no harmful pesticides or fungicides will be used.
There are many organic nutrients and additives designed specifically for use in hydroponic gardens.

To find out more about hydroponics see:


Monday, January 3, 2011

AeroGarden VS Dirt

AeroGarden Review |

Aeroponics put to the test with a 3 site AeroGarden

Dill with a toothpick to show size scale

I was fortunate to receive an Aerogarden for Christmas this year and planted my first herbs. I planted my herbs last Monday 12/27/10 at 2:30 p.m.  We are now growing dill, basil, and thyme. The Aerogarden came in 4 pieces and took less than 2 minutes to put together and start the growing process. Each individual pod comes labeled with what it is and how long it takes to sprout. Crazy but its like the plants have their own internal clocks because it took exactly 7 days to the hour on the dill. When I checked it a few hours ago it had not even shown signs of sprouting. Now 2 hours later all three are looking great. I was able to see the tiny green leaves on the basil after 3 days. Pretty cool right?

I have another blog where I talk about and show pictures of another garden I am growing hydroponically using a DWC (deep water culture) unit. Check it out and let me know what you think.

News & Press Releases

News Release  
TD Global Solutions, LLC                                                                                                                      4011 E. Morada Lane Ste. 140-184 Stockton, CA. 95212

Contact: Tamara Gerber

Phone: 1-866-226-4953                
Other:   (209) 609-5239                        

New Site Touts Healthier Living for Organic Enthusiasts
Stockton-  A local company, TD Global Solutions, LLC, launched a new  website last month,  The innovative site is a virtual retail-resource for the organic gardening enthusiast.  Visitors will find the primary focus of the site to be on growing vegetables via hydroponics (a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil). was designed to be a family friendly resource that promotes the positive facets of organic gardening. It blends both traditional and non-traditional gardening systems.  Site visitors will have access to the most current “How To” information including educational videos, tools, products and supplies.
Entrepreneur and site coordinator, Tamara Gerber says, “…we want to help consumers get back to healthier lifestyles. Gerber believes that one way to do that is to grow your own fruits, herbs and vegetables all year round.